Thursday, 9 December 2010

Project 2- week 2.

Visited Bath and Bristol yesturday. Loved bath. Hated Bristol.
So the verdict is, I want to go to Bath Spa uni ifff possible.
I love the city- had never been before and was surprised at how genuinely beautiful it is. The university itself is fairly small, however has fantastic facilities. I like the idea of living a more laid back life as opposed to being in a large, built up city. The course at Bath Spa appeals to me as it allows students to pick a speciality, but does by no means constrain them to that single medium for the next three years. They encourage students to experiment throughout the degree.
Bristol looked shabby to me. Not the sort of place I want to live I don't think. In comparison to Bath, which is very close by, the aesthetics of Bristol are no where near as inviting.
And more importantly.. the uni is very odd. With the workshops 25 minutes away from the studio??

This week, I have worked from home a fair amount, as I have been using photoshop to contruct my ideas. I have struggled more with this topic than the previous one but it has not turned out to be a complete disaster!
I have been busy writing personal statements and looking at uni's, ontop of the fact it is only a 2 week project, I don't feel I have been able to put as much time into it as I perhaps should of.
Our crit is tomorrow, so will note down how that goes in my next post.

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